Lunch clubs
A range of lunchtime clubs are made available to students.
Lunch Clubs
By Laura, Year 5 student
Albany Hills State School has so many opportunities such as clubs that students can join and occupy themselves with at lunch time. I have participated in EcoKids, Choir, Dance Club and Japanese Cub.
I enjoy them because you learn not just one but many ways to show what you can really do or how to get more information on looking after things, I have also met new friends. Choir and dance club has given me the confidence to entertain others and be on stage where I now love to be, while Eco Kids has shown me how to plant crops, look after gardens and the environment. Japanese club has given me the confidence to speak in a different language to others.
There are many other clubs available for Junior and Senior students. Seniors (Years 3-6) can join clubs such as Robotics and Coding Clubs and for the junior school (Years 1-3) there is Drawing Club, Construction Club and Skipping Club. These clubs are only available because we have wonderful dedicated teachers who strive to give their Albany Hills students every opportunity to learn and succeed in our interests.
I’d like to thank the teachers for giving up their lunch time and many extra hours of their own time just for us.
I love this school and I hope more students participate in clubs at Albany Hills because I can guarantee that they would have fun, gain confidence and learn so much more just like I have.