The Tuckshop is open 5 days a week from 8.00am until 1.40pm and works on a pre-order system. Check out the
tuckshop menu.pdf for our range of healthy food options.
can choose from hot foods, freshly made sandwiches and salads as well as a variety of drinks. Chips and ice blocks can be purchased over the counter after the second bell at second break only.
Students can use the bin/bag system or order online through the Qkr! App External link to order for each break.
If using the bag system write students name, class, desired break as well as the food/drink order on separate bags enclosing the money securely and place in the tuckshop box in the student's classroom.
The tuckshop operates with the support of volunteer parents. Parents assist from 8.45am until 1.45pm once a month. We always welcome new volunteers.
If your child has any special dietary needs please come and see us at the tuckshop and we will do our best to cater for them.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.
For any enquiries, please email: