Chaplaincy Program
Our school has the services of a Chaplain. A school Chaplain is there to support and care for the school community and complements the work of other school-based support staff. These services provide students, staff and parents with social and emotional support and provides an additional adult role model in the school. Chaplains provide a listening ear, caring presence and message of hope as students and families seek to deal with a wide range of issues such as family changes, friendship issues, managing emotions and financial stress.
Chappy Rachael has a lunch time space that all students are welcome to access at play times. As well as one-on-one pastoral care support, Chappy Rachael also runs programs throughout the year that supports students growing in vital social and emotional skills Chappy Rachael has links to community organisations that can assist families with food hampers, meals and care packs.
Chappy Rachael works at Albany Hills State School three days each week. Access to the Chaplaincy service may be made through the school office.
Social Worker
As a part of the Department of Education Student and Wellbeing Package initiative, Sharon Clayton (Social Worker) is available at Albany Hills State School on Monday and Wednesdays. Sharon’s role has a counselling focus for students with mild to moderate mental health or emotional issues.
Referral reasons can be for relationship problems, gender identity issues, depression, anxiety, adjustment difficulties, grief/loss and personal/family stress. Additionally, Sharon can meet with parents and carers who are seeking support to better understand the mental health and wellbeing needs of their child; or for guidance related to management of parent stress or other adverse events impacting on their child and family (e.g., domestic & family violence, parent separation, parent mental illness or trauma).
School Social Workers also assist with community service referrals or collaborate with external agencies and other mental health professionals to provide co-ordinated wrap around supports for children. The best way to contact Sharon with any enquiries is by email or to speak with your child’s teacher or deputy principal about your concerns.
Defence School Mentor

A big welcome to our new Australian Defence Families. I currently work in the Defence position on Tuesday. I have set up a Defence Families email group with the information given at the time of enrolment. If for some reason you are not receiving the emails please contact me through the school email address
Mrs Karen O’Connor
Defence School Mentor
The Defence School Mentor (DSM is a well established position at Albany Hills State School. Working with the school’s administration team, The DSM provides assistance to Australian Defence families and students before, during and after enrolment.
The DSM supports children, members and their families, particularly during their transition into and out of the school on posting. The DSM also supports children throughout deployments and parental absences. The DSM helps all defence children and their families at the school should they seek or require assistance. The DSM is able to put parents and children in touch with the appropriate staff member regarding any enquiries.
Mrs O’Connor is a qualified teacher aide and can provide on site education support in the classroom upon the teacher’s request. The DSM supports children both academically and socially when commencing at Albany Hills.