School Rules
Information on our school rules and the Student Code of Conduct can be found in our Vision and Values section.
Our school has a well defined set of policies and procedures which can be found in our Parent Handbook (PDF 4453 KB).
Our school has a comprehensive anti-bullying program (PDF, 357 KB) and appropriate strategies for dealing with bullying are regularly taught to our students.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.
Homework Policy
Criteria for effective homework: Purposeful learning
- The task is connected to classroom work
- The task contributes to student achievement and/or attitude towards learning – e.g. provision of feedback from assessment, especially of writing
- Is manageable by students, teacher and families – not onerous.
- If correction is necessary, time taken is balanced against the class teaching program time allocations.
- The content selected requires practice for mastery – e.g. may reinforce retention of key concepts in English and Mathematics
- Tasks are differentiated according to student needs and abilities.
- Strategies change throughout the year to ensure students retain interest and are gaining the practice/learning required.
Requirements: These are to be monitored
- Reading every day to develop skills of reading and comprehension for students in Prep to Year 2.
- Reading regularly (at least four times per week but preferably daily) for leisure and to develop general knowledge and vocabulary in Years 3 to 6. Some examples may include:
- Reading a Novel to engage the student in how writers construct their story to engage readers.
- Reading magazines and factual material in areas of interest to students may be used as stimuli for writing at school
- Set research topics to provide students with content knowledge to support classroom learning in areas such as Science, Geography, History and Health
- Weekly interaction with words to build spelling skills and word knowledge.
- Choose two to three activities to complete each week around the current spelling focus.
- For students experiencing great difficulty, no more than 3 words each week.
- Regular practice in Number Facts until a reasonable standard of accuracy and speed is attained.
- Parents must be informed of the homework
- There is no expectation for teachers to provide homework outside the above requirements. However, if additional tasks are set, they will need to align with the ‘Criteria for Effective Homework: Purposeful Learning’ to ensure homework is contributing to learning.
- Reading and practice can include the use of technology – e.g. Mathletics for number facts, concepts and repetitive practice, Reading Eggs
- The development of habits of home studies (consistency of time allocated, working towards completion of a task, organisation of materials and feedback) may need consultation with parents to ensure students do have leisure time that is balanced with school work.
- Time management through the use of a diary (hard or electronic)
- Planning and monitoring the process of completion of an assignment or project
- Use of a task sheet to clearly outline the expectations and timelines.
- If there are students who are not completing homework tasks the supervisor is alerted and strategies devised to assist the student.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.