Our school is a unique and caring institution consisting of adults and students alike, all pursuing the goal of life long learning. In addition to the key learning areas, we learn about teamwork and cooperation, responsibilities and shared rules, and enjoying each other’s company. We work together to make our school a vibrant, productive and safe place to grow. The community of Albany Hills State School invites you to become part of this, as an active member.
Extensive grounds include built areas, a range of playgrounds, a sports ground, dam, gardens and open space. Facilities for the school are being continually developed. The classrooms are in the “open” style offering learning flexibility, and are pleasantly located amongst trees and shrubs. Within the rooms, teachers have developed a variety of teaching approaches to cater for the needs of every child.
Parent and care giver groups are active in helping to shape the direction of the school. Also they assist in providing a wide range of resources, by helping in the tuckshop, library and classrooms and by working on the development of the groups and play equipment. The Parents & Citizens’ Association has constructed a splendid auditorium to enhance students’ arts, sporting and leisure activities and interests.
Albany Hills State School is making a very positive contribution to the education of children in our community. It is well equipped and organised to assist our students to maximise their potential, and to become active, productive and fulfilled citizens of our global future.